Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E

H&H Essential Omega III fish oil with Vitamin E comes from anchovies harvested off the coast of Peru. Not only do anchovies have a high omega-3 content, they also have high percentages of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Anchovies have a short lifecycle making them an ideal source of fish oil because they are less prone to accumulating environmental toxins that can be found in larger, longer-lived fish. Contaminants are generally extremely low in anchovies even before they go through an intense purification process.

H&H Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E provides 3 grams of fish oil to help maintain overall health and general well-being. Fish oils have been shown to provide a host of benefits that successfully support health.

Fish Body Oils
Fish oils or marine oils, are lipids (fats) found in fish, particularly cold water fish like herring, kipper, mackerel, menhaden, pilchard, salmon, sardine and trout, and phytoplankton. The sources of fish oil in H&H Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E are anchovies, tested by the manufacturer and an independant testing company to be virtually free of mercury lead, PCB and other heavy metals. Fish oils are rich sources of the omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanenoic acid). DHA is a necessary component of the phospholipids in human cellular membranes, especially those found in the brain and retina.

Vitamin E
The most valuable sources of dietary vitamin E include vegetable oils, margarine, nuts, seeds, avocados and wheat germ. Safflower oil contains large amounts of vitamin E and there are trace amounts in corn oil and soybean oil. Vitamin E is actually a family of related compounds called tocopherols and tocotrienols.

The main health benefit of supplemental vitamin E comes from its antioxidant activity. Vitamin E is one of the most powerful fat-soluble antioxidants in the body and protects cell membranes from free radicals. Vitamin E is commonly added to fish oil supplements to provide antioxidant protection of DHA and EPA.

•Helps maintain a Healthy Body 

Common Q&A
Why is this product not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding?
Fish oils have anti-coagulant activity, which can prevent blood clotting. Anti-coagulant activity could cause excessive bleeding before or during delivery. Therefore, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should talk to their healthcare provider if they want to take this product.

Is the fish oil tested to be free of heavy metals?
Yes. The fish oil used in H&H Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E is tested twice, once from the manufacturer and then by an independent testing company. The fish oil used in H&H Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E is laboratory tested for mercury, lead, PCB, and other heavy metals.

Does H&H Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E contain pork or pork products?
No. H&H Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E is HALAL certified by IFANCA (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America).

Is H&H Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E vegetarian?

Is H&H Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin E manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facility?
Yes, this product is manufactured in a GMP–compliant facility, which is inspected by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA.
